alright whats up gang back at it again with another WHWHEEEOOOUPP!!!!!

in todays video we are going to be talking about The Youth of reneene. because i think it matters i guess.

also side note i sometimes wonder if i could make rene a lot more teyvat-lore heavy but i think they are best a funky filler character. beidous mostly known as the CAPTAIN OF THE CRUX! and is pretty cool and the game doesnt focus on her past much (besides her hangout). maybe rene could be secretly related to the narzissenkreuz WHICH WOULD BE COOL. but unnecessary in the grand scheme of things

big rant over lets get to the juice. i probably wont go into detail in the stories

so a baby was found injured and abandoned. big whoop. baby is put into fontaines foster care system (it exists its mentioned in lyneylynettes story) for about a decade

this baby is rene wow who knew

so renes a bright fella. playing outside a lot and a little curious and hitting shit with sticks i guess! its cool. rene doesn't think too much of the humongous scar on their body and is really just living life doing dumb tot activities

but One Issue comes: it is very lonely!

a. fleuve cendre is not the best place so they end up getting transferring from there to cof and back a Lot. foster homes report poor behaviors or financial instability and it is time 2 move again. any friends they do make say GOODBY

b. rene is smart! but here's one thing they can't figure out: people! they aren't too fond of rene and they can't figure it out like... do kids not like me because i look weird? do adults not like me because im impolite or something???..... they learn to be good at reading people but not at all talking. so young rene spends a lot of time watching strangers and trying to figure it out

c. young rene is kind of whatever. being quiet and doing what you're told is easier than engaging in any conversation. one con of this social strategy: people tolerate you more but no one especially likes you

in conclusion: not good. it is endlessly frustrating and rene does not develop a strong sense of self for a long time. id imagine theres probably a lot of self blame and loathing

but rene develops a hobby!!! collecting and tinkering with stuff they find. having something to keep around and do stuff with is a small comfort that lets them have a sense of control on stability and what they can do! plus pieces of rusty metal isnt gonna shun you for staring too long

anyway when theyre like 10 theyre so fed up with the people around them and themselves they leave their foster home in cof for THE STREETS!

anyway the end. elaborate later heres some loose facts

- they used to read every book in their foster homes and repeat every word to appeal to their foster parents. but the problem with that is its like watching a seal do tricks and then its over so they kind of just stopped

- they spent a lot of time counting things and memorizing where they were

- one time they tried taking a bike from some random steambird paper boy. they got transferred because of it

rene beaumont stuff!!!!!!!!!!

