hello. this post is finally back from construction. this is about the circumstances of rene’s birth and their burn scar

renat beaumont did not leave the womb inventing and tinkering and forging things. and they are not mechanical

so rene is born on some day (they dont know their actual birthday). they are without their lower right arm and have some weird ass toes but otherwise completely healthy

shortly after rene suffers severe burning on the right side of their body for an unknown cause. the injury is huge and stretches from the cheek, the lower torso, and across the shoulder and back. rene loses some sensation in the area. the burn leaves a huge scar that is still visible today and also partially disfigures them

so. a baby is abandoned, found, and placed in the fontaine foster care system for its injuries to be cared for. 

i wont go into too much depth here but they spend a lot of that time frustrated, confused, painfully self-aware, questioning and trying to appeal to anyone and anything, and isolated. they struggle to fit, lack strong identity, and are full of deep self loathing

one thing they question: that burn scar

rene does not remember what happened because they were too young. but they assume it was purposely inflicted and a failed attempt to get rid of them. for one, why else is it so large? why is there no information on their background? why else were they abandoned????!?

to the young rene, it is a VERY! obvious sign that they are not supposed to be there. and it completely fucks up their mindset

so. was it purposeful?!?

well. short answer: idk

long answer: well it’s not important! no one will really know or find out, especially renat. and it’s not that i can’t choose!! it’s that the Current Rene would not be affected by it

rene will never know their birth parents, their origins, why they have that scar…. they could have been an unwanted child, a victim of some tragic housefire, from celestia itself — IT WOULD NOT MATTER! 

because the Current Rene has learned there are more important questions to answer and more important things to do.. and why focus on the past

but it plagues young’un rene… and honestly i get it

this also sets up a parallel for their first time forging something that i will explain. Later!

conclusion: who r u

end of yap session hope you enjoy

rene beaumont stuff!!!!!!!!!!

first burn


Dear John

I Monster

rene yeah