rene stuff!!!!!!!!!!

renat and justice



Rodrigo y Gabriela

haven't talked about rene in a while. what's the little inventor doing? but do not be fooled! i am going to right now! this is a post on their view of justice!! WHICH I HAVE TALKED ABOUT BEFORE (to a select few) but i did not go too in-depth. 

and maybe it will be interesting because rene does not work in the fontaine legal system! an outsider's view. also it may involve their general view of people and relationships?

and then maybe i'll do a thingy on more of their opinions on other characters and why they're designed the way they are. because they look really bad like their design is straight TRASH! HOWEVER! there is a method to my madness. so let me EXPLAIN MYSELF before i am thrown to the DIRT!

anyway. renat and justice

so renat grew up in fontaine for as long as they can remember, and they are sorta familiar with its many many laws! things go down in fleuve cendre, and same goes for the court of fontaine, it's just not as obvious

rene supports the idea of justice, naturally! people who do bad things should be punished, and people should do good things. but they also think it's impossible

let's go on a detour. consider: their youth. rene was isolated and continuously frustrated by the people around them because of their ideas, the way they act... they became very used to reading people to try to figure things out

once! a young rene encountered an encyclopedia on teyvat animal studies when they were young. a couple things they took from it, but one was that animals need to be selfish to survive

rene has a very ??? view on how people interact. they're very used to categories, action and reaction, and as a kid they used to apply that to everything around them. think psychological egoism? there is always a reason for any action, and it's always self interest

to renat, people do not become friends for nothing, it's for their own support, entertainment, a way to share ideas, to look less alone... and when people maintain those friendships, it's to keep those things around and to feel Good about themselves. relationships are transactional

people do good and do selfless things for the same reason

that doesn't mean renat thinks a kind action is actually evil per se, but is always driven by Something. to them, true altruism or kindness without reason does not exist. not when you're offered an apprenticeship and a home, not when you choose to use your time to listen to a friends fairytales over and over, not when you try inventing things to change the world...

maybe their theory doesnt quite match up to reality?

nahhhh all selfish. everyone! no matter what a person does. even rene themselves. it all leads back

rene thinks there will always be selfishness in people by nature. SO THEN (getting back to justice), there will always be crime. there will be theft, trafficking, murder, fraud, all the crime. and some of those will even slip by the justice system when there are given bribes or biases. not only that, many innocent people are wrongfully judged, excluded, jailed

plus, who can say what is morally right and what is wrong? how can you say fontaine is the nation of justice when a woman kills her husband to save herself and her child and is nearly sent to meropide?

in short, renat believes people cannot execute true justice. people just aren't built for it. it is a concept and a goal, but not possible!

well! renes belief is sort of true. there will always be crime and there will always be people who do bad things.

but I THINK (whoa) its wrong to assume everyone is selfish at their core. rene likes to imagine people with robots, categories, a button to push, a need to fill... but that is not reality. people just do things.. to do things. and the only gears are in machines

i think they mostly changed from that rigid thinking of people. but its still apparent in their view on justice

did this make sense. LMAOOO THIS IS SO CRINGE prepare for this to be put under indefinite construction