why become a lawyer?!?!

Why is fion a lawyer?!

One!! profitable busines, lots of mora in it, and he prefers a cushy lifestyle. Second!! he's naturally got the stuff for it. aside from just knowledge of The Law, hes got a quick wit, sharp memory, and good people skills. Three!! the prestige of having that title. fion is a flashy guy and who wouldnt want that?!

if the courtrooms a stage.... fion is a damn good actor

his Fresh attitude and skill are probably why hes in the auclair agency in the first place. any person working with fion leaves the courtroom with their sentence more than halved or completely innocent

but for fion, justice comes after everything else! its just by coincidence his job directly deals with it. 

he personally views it as a bonus to the title. a You Did A Good Thing Star! but doesn't value it all that much

he fits in well at the agency and provides a service for the people of fontaine. who cares how he feels!

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lawyer stuff!!!!!!!!!!

why be a lawyer?


追求 〜追いつめられて

Masakazu Sugimori

why is leslie a lawyer? she wants to fight for justice she's naturally competitive! she wants to fight for whats right! and she's extremely passionate about it!

but what is legal does not always match up to leslies ideas. shes driven by her emotions above all else! she commonly gets tunnel vision and has done a lot of Ehh things that To Her, was justified, but landed everyone in more trouble than before

early in her career leslie got into fights with her clients, broke confidentiality, badmouthed the other party... her name appeared in the steambird a couple times and not for good reason.

she has not done stuff like that in a while (because id imagine she didnt want acelin to regret his decision) but that general theme of being so fixated on injustice she cant carry out the justice correctly... is still there

is she a bad lawyer?? idk.

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so. why does eito work as a lawyer?

CLIFFHANGER! this post is too long LOL see you later. alligators