here are some questions: what happens when you believe everyone should be the best version of themselves? what happens when you hold everyone to an impossible standard, including yourself? what price would you pay for it? such is the dilemma of one anne-sophie....

as a detective, she strives to do the best job she can. in her years of work, she knows countless networks of informants. she's always jumping to investigate a case, to interrogate, to interview... her biggest goal is to be viewed as a perfect professional detective. someone who knows everything and can do everything

but that extreme perfectionism is not realistic. while it frustrates her coworkers it pushes away her close friends and family. and when you are deemed Imperfect above all else in someones eyes Why Wouldnt You?!?!?

she has kept any issues under wraps. the perfect detective does not let the personal life and the work life mix. what professional does?????!? and so when she enters that agency she is not anne-sophie! she is a detective and nothing else

and if anything happens outside of work... serves her right for having feelings. from now on theres nothing else but up. bleep bloop blorp (says princess carolyn)

so for now during nights at the copa, she listens to eito drunkenly talk about his past and such. and says, tell me more, or, and this happened at work today...

not that she missed her wife and daughter anyway!

let us end this hefty yap session with a fun fact: she probably refers to acelin as young man

the end

anne-sophie stuff!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday Girl
